October/November Update

Hi readers,

I’ve gotten myself into a reading pickle. I don’t know what my brain has been doing but I just keep putting down half-read books and then starting new ones. Don’t for one second believe what my Goodreads “currently reading” list says right now because I’m currently making myself focus on all of these books that I need to finish first…

One of those books is The Odyssey. Yep. I’m still reading that one. I went to a coffee shop tonight and read some more of it but half of the shop is no longer there because apparently a dispensary moved in and is using up that space now. So I had to sit at a tiny table for two in the literal middle of the shop… wasn’t a fan. However, it was still nice to go. I didn’t want to, but I made myself. I felt for Odysseus. I’m currently on Book 5 and paused at the part where Hermes talks to Calypso about letting Odysseus go because it’s not his fate to stay with her forever. When she tells Odysseus that he is to finally leave the island and go home, he doesn’t even believe it. He just spends his days crying on the beach because he misses his home so much, even though he’s in an immortal paradise with a perfect goddess. I can relate to feeling stuck for so long and deeply sad to think that you’ll never get out of it. Even when a change is presented to me I don’t quite believe it at first because it doesn’t seem real. I liked this quote from The Odyssey:

“If some god strikes me on the wine-dark sea, I will endure it. By now I am used to suffering- I have gone through so much… Let this come to.” -Odysseus

And also like Odysseus, I know it is not my fate to stay where I’m at or go back to where I’ve been. So I’m building up my courage and staying the course.

In other news, I saw a book called “Seinfood” on Sweet Pickle Books Instagram page and uhhhh HELLO I had to get it! “A food guide about nothing.” Ha! I’m finally watching all the Seinfeld seasons now that they’re on Netflix and it’s been grand. I’m actually really liking Kramer over everyone else… he’s just literally in his own planet but SO secure in who he is. I don’t care that he’s spastic or loud, he’s hilarious! But if I’m being completely honest, I am absolutely Elaine Benes. No grace whatsoever. Anyway, I took a screenshot of their post in case anyone wants to either a) follow Sweet Pickle Books, b) buy “Seinfood,” or c) all of the above.

It’s late and I really should work on easing my insomnia, but I just had to write this post. I am so so close to finishing The Ex Hex by Erin Sterling and when I do, I’ll try to remember to write a review!

Will write again soon!


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